Blogging network: Spin-1/2

Monday, February 4, 2013


So today begins the journey to see who is out there. 

It's interesting to try and think of topics to write about this early in the morning when I'm still waiting for my coffee to work its magic.  Mostly I want to complain about the cold or make silly 'oh no it's Monday' type jokes but that's just wrong.  That's what Facebook is for.  

When Froyd, over at started blogging again I got excited.  He led the charge for us to break free of the generic existence that is popular social media.  It's great for a few things but overall I feel myself a little confused by the majority of peoples posts.  There's no meat to a two sentence long post and no personal touch.  Ignoring of course references to specifics; I wonder:  If you stripped away all the names from your Facebook feed; could you actually tell the people apart just by the few bits they've posted?  

The biggest problem is what Facebook has set itself up to be, intentionally of course, since they have to make money somehow.  They are a re-linking spot for all of the masses to 'share' content from other sites around the internet.  'Share' of course meaning 'free advertising'.  Watch this video, read this snippet, look at this funny picture.  It's like we're all digging through piles and holding up the bits of shiny to try to impress each other.  That would be fine if we put some personal opinion with it.  We tend to just grunt or exclaim a single word of praise or horror with the big, flashy picture and summary that Facebook automatically fills in when we paste the pre-formatted sharing link from the original site.  

I guess what I'm rambling on about is that social media hasn't made us social.  The moment anyone posts over three sentences of text we glaze over and TL;DR (too long; didn't read).  We don't want substance, the text won't fit on our smartphone screens.  Anyway...this is just a Monday rant and now if you've been paying attention, we come to the clue of the day:


Monday, Clue 1:  Blue and gold is a bold fashion statement.

1 comment:

Froyd said...

You're spot on, I think, with the idea of removing the names from the facebook feed. I would be able to tell who it was in a small percentage of cases...but for the most part, I could probably narrow it down to one of 30 similar people. The clique of left wingers, the clique of right wingers, the seriousers, the tomfooleryers, etc.

And in that narrowing down, one realizes that what they're sharing isn't as personal or insightful as it ought to be.

Damn Mondays.