Blogging network: Spin-1/2

Friday, February 8, 2013


So one week has passed here and despite my hopes of wrangling some participation I seem to have failed to inspire the masses.  Maybe I'll do one more contest next week and see what happens.  Maybe I won't.  It's hard to compete with Facebook, memes, Reddit and the like.  

I'm not disappointed since it was a crazy idea to begin with.  The internet is a place to escape, especially when you're at work or school and have just a short break to do so.  Diving into a long rambling blog post isn't what you want, you want comics and games.  People want to pack as much entertainment into those free ten minutes as they can, flood the brain with colorful images to reset the mind for the next task.  It makes sense to me in a way.  I prefer to browse Reddit on lunch while I eat my soup because I don't have to think and it makes me chuckle occasionally.  Is that what we need?  

We are flooded with information at a rate unknown to humans in the past.  We absorb so much from the time we wake to the time we get a short break.  Everything is at our fingertips with a few quick button taps and screen flicks.  At work or school, technology is able to maximize our time by letting us view more information faster and includes sensory data that goes far beyond simple words on a page.  Graphs, 3D rendering, movie clips and audio can all be thrown at us in one short presentation.  Be it a work presentation or a class lecture, combining all these different things makes for a dazzling data overload.  Our brain needs short bursts of useless information afterwards, like a sonic toothbrush that cleans out the bits in our teeth from our chicken soup.  

So I guess I shouldn't get too worked up about people not taking the time to sit down and read a blog entry. I really shouldn't be writing all these posts before I finish my first cup of coffee in the morning anyway.  So next week perhaps I'll build a new sonic toothbrush for everyone.  

Last and Final Clue:  Phreaking (You all know how to use Google, right?  Free book for a Google search...)


Froyd said...

Oh, well since you gave us permission to use Google finally, the answer is Captain Crunch, otherwise known as John Draper.

Recalcitrant Haberdasher said...

It's not that I wasn't interested, or that I didn't try to solve the puzzle. I just didn't have the slightest idea what the answer was.

Ventola said...

Well, we have a winner. Free drinks all night for Froyd! ( drinks was the prize this week.) Well Redbeard...thanks for playing though, it gives me hope. :)

Froyd said...

wooooooo! Freeeee driiiiinkssssss!


Froyd said...

Update yer blogz. I need mah cluez.

Recalcitrant Haberdasher said...

You may also have a problem that your audience may be an audience of two. Plus, what the hell was I going to do with free drinks?